
Your well-being is the core of our mission, We are committed to providing you with high-quality maternal and child healthcare services and to supporting you wherever you are.

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About MSI Yemen

Since 1998, Marie Stopes International Yemen (MSIY) has provided high-quality maternal and child health services to women and families across Yemen.

MSIY uses a combination of local knowledge and innovation to adapt our services to the situation on the ground and expand our activities to meet the changing needs of people living through the conflict. We aim to alleviate the suffering of mothers and child and improve health outcomes through providing essential maternal and child health services and information.

Our focus is on providing client-centered care services with a comfortable and reassuring experience wherever and whenever they visit us. We strongly believe in leaving no one behind, in all service channels.

Our commitment to you

Providing a positive and satisfactory client experience is core to who we are at MSI Yemen. Maternal and child health services are provided by MSI Yemen in a culturally appropriate and sensitive manner, ensuring that each client gets the information she needs from a trusted provider.

Because travel is often difficult and women face limited mobility, we work to offer a variety of service delivery options. Women can visit our static centres, their nearest public sector facilities, or can access trained local midwives based in the community.

For clients unable to travel at all, MSIY provides advice and guidance to Yemenis who call the Client care centre. In the cases of humanitarian services of emergency medicines for non-communicable diseases, MSI Yemen also delivers to the doors of particularly vulnerable clients in certain areas.

Our centres

We operate twelve clinics in seven governorates, known as MSIY Maternal and Child Health Centre. Five of these centers provide normal birth services. Our qualified, trained staff will take good care of you from the moment you step foot at our doors and provide you with quality and voluntary maternal and child health services.

Community Midwife

To reach more women We support 112 private community midwives across Yemen in 8 governorates in 32 districts. A significant proportion of these midwives serve peri-urban and rural communities and have an existing client base. They are based in locations where there are very few other facilities for clients.

Private Sector Strengthening

MSI Yemen is a key trusted implementing partner of the health ministries in the north and south of Yemen, providing service provider training in the south and supportive supervision in the north to public sector providers. MSI Yemen currently supports 119 public health facilities in 11 governorates strengthening clinical quality standards of the public sector for safe and secure service delivery to ensure client safety.

Policy and Collaboration

MSI Yemen works closely with the authorities and Ministries collaborating and supporting national strategies and policies that will have positive health outcomes for women’s and children’s health in Yemen.


Learn more about our services

Find out more about the services we offer and their availability across Yemen